Final CV



Ankit CV4.pdf

This is the one I went as my final CV pick and I really think the ultramarine on white background provides a sophisticated feel to the CV while not too overpowering in the visuals , it remains minimalistic. also it highlights key skills unlike the prior versions of CV which is basic.

Initial CV draft one :


Ankit_Sai Kumar_Resume_26-06-2023-10-28-20.pdf

This CV iteration was too simple and the template was also wrong , also there was a lot of blank space that could have been filled with work experience.

Also the picture is a big no no

Initial CV draft two



In this iteration the background colour was washed out but it did try to make a paper and ink like effect but it was too boring to look at. Also CV needed to be trimmed as lot of unnecessary information was present in this iteration, like birthday , and skills were at the bottom which should have been at top.